Jun 20Liked by Nic Antoinette

I absolutely love every freaking thing that you write and I love that you're taking paid time off to go on a long hike! Also, the radical reciprocity options that you listed are so awesome.

I started a tradition many years ago that has been super fun. Almost every Sunday of the year, my husband, one of my best friends, and I go hiking in the Northern Sierras. A few years ago I decided that from mid-May to mid-September, when we get to an alpine lake midway through our hike, we HAVE to jump in. It can be a quick dip if it's freezing or a nice swim, but it's mandatory 😂 Even when the water is freezing (which is most of the time), and everyone is grumbling about having to jump in, it never fails to be the most fun part of our hike.

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Omg I love that so muuuuuch! A+ would join you for the freezing cold swim😍

(And thank you, sincerely, for the celebratory words about me taking some paid time off. I'll be writing more about the decision before I go, because it was actually much harder than I expected to give myself permission to do it.)

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Jun 20Liked by Nic Antoinette

I love that you are hiking the long trail! It’s something I’d love to try when my son is older and I can scale back my work hours. I live just 20 miles from an access trail so I’ve hiked a few miles of it. Aside, I love that you are considering an adult gap year- I think most of us just assume that if we don’t get to do this as a pre-college kid, it’s off the table for life. But, as I will likely be working until I die, I’m looking at ways to have mini retirements throughout my life when I’m still young and healthy, rather than saving it all for the end of my life.

I hope you have a great hike!

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Yes! The idea of mini retirements resonates with me a lot as well :)

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My family is moving to a new city this summer so my summer list is also a bucket list: lots of lake swimming (check already), visit our favorite playground and gardens, last hang outs with nearby family and friends, and if we’re lucky find our next house before September!

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This is such a sweet list, Katie. Good luck with the move!

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Yay for more trail journals! I still haven’t figured out why I love the form so much, but yours are my favorite

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I love that format so much toooo! Thanks, Allie :)

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Jun 21Liked by Nic Antoinette

So excited for another trail journal! They are some of my favorites-- I think it reminds me of old live journal confessional entries plus the adventurousness that I love (at least in my reading if not in my personal life)! Hope you enjoy this so much & I think breaks are so necessary! Especially as a writer/creative.

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Thanks, Amanda! :)

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Love all of this so much, Nic! Your Workbooks for the People look so wonderful, and I look forward to exploring them. I clicked your "Anti-Capitalist Biz Policies" link while on your site, and what a beautiful and inspiring page to wander through. I just finished launching some new things in my business, and spending time exploring my values felt really good. Reading yours (and experiencing how you actually live them through your recent How Much Money Is Enough workshop) is moving me to explore how to show up in my values even further. <3

Here are my few things I'm dreaming of for this summer season:

1. Get an ice cream on a waffle cone any damn day I want and savor the glorious mess of joy it brings.

2. Get up early to read in the hammock while the birds sing and the sun rises.

3. Hike a new local trail once per week.

4. Buy veggies and berries and weird things from the farmer's market, and design a meal plan around them.

5. Dance and be wild with my nephews as much as possible.

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I truly love that so many of us are on the journey of moving into greater and deeper alignment with our values. Thanks for sharing, Marika! (And it was so delightful to have you at the workshop!)

Here's to a summer of more dancing & being wild 🖤

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