Toward the end of each month, for paid subscribers, I share what’s been working well in my life as well as what I’m reading, listening to, watching, and cooking.
In the comments you are warmly invited to share what’s working for you, too!

What’s Working
Reading lots of fun fantasy novels. Keeping the house clean. Setting the parameters for an upcoming 4-month shopping ban. My nightly snack of Reese’s Toast (aka melty peanut butter & chocolate chips on hot bread straight from the toaster). My new glasses: no more eye pain! Finally having the capacity to try a local yoga studio. Decluttering every single drawer and closet and cabinet; giving things away in the local Buy Nothing group. Lighting candles in the evening. Acquiring my first house plant! Sharp cheddar cheese. A long-awaited snake tattoo. Simply not doing things I don’t want to do, guilt-free.
Reading, Watching, Listening
I’m still deep in the exploration of how much money is enough for me, and with that question on my mind I’ve continued to enjoy books, podcasts, and documentaries about decluttering and not shopping, as well as this thorough look at transformative investment principles.
The other main thing I have been thinking about lately is friendship, since I’ve been experiencing some significant changes in that area of my life this year (and for the past few years, really). I’m sure I’ll write more about that in the coming months, but for now it helped me to read this piece by
and this one by