Toward the end of each month, for paid subscribers, I share what’s been working in my life as well as what I’m reading, listening to, watching, and cooking. In the comments you are warmly invited to share what’s working for you, too!
A portion of June’s paid subscriptions goes toward Loving Black Single Mothers
What’s Working
Naps. Raspberry hibiscus tea. More naps, plus whatever it’s called where you close your eyes and rest even though you aren’t actually sleeping. Semi-nap? Nap adjacent horizontal-ing? That. Swimming in the lake. Getting to know the baby chicks. Continuing to sleep with my phone in a different room. Ignoring my phone a lot, actually. Signing out of Instagram for the summer. Lighting candles whenever I sit down to write. Participating in The Artist’s Way book study (hosted by
) and being willing to give Morning Pages another shot. Trying again, in general. Being more tender to myself than I think I deserve. Being more quiet than I think I am allowed to be. Closing the door to my studio and listening to a podcast while I slowly sip a warm beverage. The return of weekly phone calls with C. Honesty. Clarity. Admitting all the things that are not working and finally taking steps — drastic ones, in some cases — to help myself be well. (More on that next week.)Reading, Watching, Listening
What would my studio uniform be?
As a tiny biz owner I am always thinking about how things like money and power play out on even the smallest scale, and about what it means to build businesses and ways of working that are not just sustainable but regenerative. This 20-minute talk on Proposals for the Feminine Economy helped me clarify a few things, particularly the list of 12 principles for prototyping a feminist business. The first principle on that list (“You have a body: Create structures that support and nourish your body and all the other bodies you know”) feels especially poignant for me right now.